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Companions of the Shade

Close friends will be enemies of one another on that day, except the righteous. (Al-Quran, 43:67) Let’s think about this carefully, our...

Women Unshackled

In a world striving for gender equality, stories of women supporting and empowering each other stand as powerful narratives of change....

National Eligibility Test

The National Eligibility Test conducted by the University Grants Commission is a national-level examination conducted for Postgraduates...

Rediscovering Lost Humanity

This is a tale that started over 1400 years ago. When in the Arabian peninsula, humanity was at an all time low. A society dominated by...

The Veil and the Western Media

“She takes off her headscarf and feels liberated. She feels like a weight has been lifted off her head and shoulders. Now she can finally...


Her worth comes not from a piece of cloth on her head, but from what is within instead. Covered. Comfortable. Confident. These words sum...


Uncertainty- Lack of sureness. I can’t count the number of times I have used or thought about this word in the past 2 years. Uncountable...


Tazkiya refers to purification and growth. Purification of oneself leads to his growth and development . Humans should be pure from the...

சமூக இடைவெளி நம்மை சமூகத்திலிருந்தே விலக்கிவிட்டதா?

ஆதிகால மனிதன் கட்டமைத்த சமூகம் ஏற்றத்தாழ்வற்ற தொன்மை வாய்ந்த சமூகமாக சிறந்து விளங்கியது.‌ சகாப்தங்கள் செல்ல செல்ல மனிதனுடைய இயற்கை தன்மை...

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