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Tazkiya refers to purification and growth. Purification of oneself leads to his growth and development .

Humans should be pure from the inside out, reflecting in all aspects of our life. Allah SWT sent down Prophets and Messengers to wipe out the evils of the society. The Ancient Arabic nation was prone to all kinds of defects. Allah SWT sent the Prophet Mohammad SAW to cleanse the people and the society.

The more and more we are prone to the pleasures of this world, we get addicted to its impurities. The sources of impurities are open and there are numerous pits dug out for people to fall as prey. The Al-Quran mentions three types of Nafs.

Allah SWT says "Indeed the nafs that overwhelmingly commands a person to do sin. [Al-Quran 12:53]". Nafs ul Ammarah is the commanding self that pushes a person to choose what they wish for themselves be it good or bad, halal or haram. With this we find comfort in the slogan, "Do what your heart says" only to become prey to the pits with unwise choices. There is a huge difference between choosing what we like and choosing what is right. Allah SWT has created every good and bad in this world. He has also bestowed us with knowledge to choose the ones which will guarantee victory in both worlds. It is the desire and choices that one makes, which reflects what he is.

The second Nafs is Nafs ul Lawwamah which is the accusatory self. Here the person finds himself in a tough battle. Conscience plays an upper hand.

The Al-Quran mentions "And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul! [Al-Quran 75:2]". Once a person commits a mistake or a sin, he feels guilty at a point. He feels embarrassed for having done so. He wishes to take it back but certain things cannot be undone. He feels guilty and thus wishes to rectify his error. It is the Nafs which makes a person realise whether what he did was beneficial or not. It makes him realise his worth and to plead repentance.

The last Nafs is Nafs ul Mutmainnah meaning the peaceful self. "To the righteous it will be said, oh reassured soul, return to your Lord well pleased, and pleasing to Him". [Al-Quran 89:27-28]. Upon pleading for His mercy and forgiveness, the person feels content. The soul is cleansed from impurities. He attains a state of happiness by pleasing Him. It definitely doesn't mean that a person does not get bad thoughts or emotions but chooses to refrain from acting upon it. He no longer obeys the slogan "Do what your heart says" but turns to His Lord and obeys His commands.

Prophet Muhammad SAW struggled throughout his life in the way of Allah SWT to establish deen. His path was one such that danger awaited him in all directions. Yet he was determined in his mission. The dark nation was drenched in superstitious beliefs and practices, idol worship, irresponsible social life, etc. How do you think the whole nation was guided to light? It was through Tazkiya by the words of Allah SWT. Tazkiya has an important part to play in the spread of Islam .When individuals purify themselves, the society too changes in all aspects like thoughts, actions, discipline, trade, commerce, economic, financial system and politics.

Tazkiya helps a person to refresh his thoughts, emotions, actions and deeds. It strengthens the Imaan of a believer , uplifts spiritual love and forms a tight knit bond with the Creator. Purification of the sould leads to a beautiful and meaningful life.

Author- Aafrida Sulaigha, GIO Chennai member Date- 4th January, 2022

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