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Happiness and Success in Islam

Very often success and happiness are interlinked with wealth and materialism. It’s human nature to aim and work for a successful, luxurious, sophisticated life and to be ultimately happy.

When we see people accomplish something, we associate them with being successful and happy.

Happiness and success are achieved primarily when we understand the plan of our Creator, the purpose of our life and creation. By understanding the Quran and implementing it in our lives, we build a strong relationship with Allah (S.W.T), always remembering that one day we will return to Him. There will come a day when wealth, possessions and children will not help us, as we leave behind everything material.

Islam teaches us that happiness is being content with what Allah has bestowed on us and enjoying within the boundaries set by Him. Unhappy ones are those who are discontent, ungrateful, and focus on what they do not possess. Allah (S.W.T) says, “If you express gratitude, I shall certainly give you more, and if you are ungrateful, then My punishment is severe.” (Quran – 14:07). Hence, being happy is our innate choice.

Success in this life is closely connected to the success of the hereafter. Allah says, “Seek through the wealth that Allah has given you to make your abode in the Hereafter, and also do not forget your share from this world.” (Quran – 28:77) Real wealth is the path Allah (S.W.T) has taught us through the Quran and sunnah. It includes His commands, laws and guidelines. We also learn about morals, manners, etiquettes etc. The one who traverses over hellfire and enters Paradise will indeed be successful in this life and the next.

This world is an investment. It does not mean that we do not enjoy or achieve anything in this life. Allah says in the Holy Quran, “Whosoever doing good deeds, both man and woman in a state of faith, verily We will give a good life” (Quran -16: 97). Allah has ordered us to live a balanced life and ask supplication for both the worlds.

If we enjoy His bounties in moderation and appreciation, we will develop the virtue of temperance. All the joys and efforts that humans experience in this world are a means to ultimate happiness and success in the next world.

Author- Kausar Ataullah, Secretary, GIO Chennai

Date- 01/12/2021

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