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Companions of the Shade

Close friends will be enemies of one another on that day, except the righteous.
(Al-Quran, 43:67)

Let’s think about this carefully, our “buddies” with whom we “enjoy” disobeying Allah, might end up being our enemies on the Day of Judgement. To reflect on what our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “a man is in the religion of his close companion”. We should select our companions who will make us think about our creator each time we see them. Such is the idea of companionship in Islam. It is the key to success in both the worlds, one must recognize that his companions have a massive impact on who he is, what he wishes to be in life and also determine if he is under the shade of the Arsh.

In a beautiful hadith, Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The example of a good companion in comparison with a bad one, is like that of the musk seller and the blacksmith's bellows (or furnace); from the first you would either buy musk or enjoy its good smell while the bellows would either burn your clothes or your house, or you get a bad nasty smell thereof."

In this hadith, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), compares a musk seller to a good companion. You should give him something in return for goods, while also receiving items of benefit. Likewise, when you sit with a good companion, somebody who is righteous and , even if you don't receive anything from him, just being in his company will make your clothes (deeds) smell good, elevating your Imaan.

He compares the blacksmith to a bad companion, who would burn your clothes (deeds), causing harm. As being with the person who indulges in haram, bad language, backbiting, or any such action, you also account for his bad deeds or be a witness to it. It counts as haram even if you don’t engage in the activity, passing the foul smell on to you. Leaving your Imaan weakened. This is how Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) compared the effect of good and bad companions.

To highlight something important….
Our sisterhood and friend circle should have people who pray for each other and have the qualities that bring out the good in one another. Our own actions should be respectful, honest, courageous, goal-oriented, and self-disciplined. To expect a good companion, we must first be a good companion. Where people envy each other, there are still some who will always want the best for you. To them, your happiness, success, and your smooth sailing through life means a lot! To have people that pray for you is indeed a blessing.

If we spend time, mindful of Allah and God-fearing, of our actions, encouraging each other to be righteous and act to please Allah, we will be among the successful people on the Day of Judgement and among companions under the shade of Arsh and in Jannathul-ul-Firthous.

In Shaa Allah...

 Author: Ayisha Siddhiqua, Member, GIO Thanjavur
Date: 6th November 2023 Pic. Credits: National Federation of Girls Islamic Organisation
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1 Comment

Mohamed S
Mohamed S
Nov 07, 2023

Good Stuff! May Allah (saw) Bless us with the Friends who will make us to think about our creator


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