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Victims of Domestic Abuse

Children - young, innocent, naïve souls who are unaware of how the world works, are beginners or learners in this wide world.

A child's life begins in comfort. Its parents are its guardian Angels, protecting it from the evils of the world, teaching it right and wrong and how to live in this world. Similarly, a child's life revolves around its parents. It believes that it will be unharmed as long as its parents are around, trusting them completely and building the foundation of a family.

Now the question arises, what if this very beginning of the child is not secured? Or not well built or structured? What if the foundation is not right? This brings us to the topic.

"Exploiting the Innocence of Children - Victims of Domestic Abuse/Violence"

A person is known by the company he keeps. A child is known by the family he belongs to, thereby reflecting and representing them.

According to RCDV: CPC (Resource Centre for Domestic Violence: Child Protection and Custody) Researchers have estimated that between 3.3 million and 10 million children are exposed to adult domestic violence each year.

In general, children who witness domestic violence at home can suffer an immense amount of physical symptoms along with their emotional and behavioural state of despair. Some symptoms could be as minor as frequent complaints of aches in the body or sores, bedwetting, anxiety, anger, aggressive behaviour, grief, low self-esteem and problem-solving skills, low anger management and short attention spans many of which are associated with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Some major symptoms could be depression and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Another alarming statistic is that 25% of the victims belonging to abusive families tend to get violent with their children. The violence imposed on these children can in some cases be life-threatening. If a mother is pregnant during the abuse, the unborn child is at risk of lifelong impairments or at risk of life itself. Infants are most affected by the environment of abuse because their brain hasn't fully developed.

The effects of domestic abuse play a significant role in the well-being and development of a child. A study states that children who witness domestic violence at home often believe that they are to blame, and hence live in a constant state of fear, and are 15 times more likely to be victims of child abuse. The child in this atmosphere gradually loses his/her peace of mind as he/she grows up into an adult. This can lead the said child into a vicious circle of drugs, alcohol, smoking and a tendency of being in bad company, suicidal behaviour, living and leading an illegal, unhealthy, unhygienic life, ultimately becoming an abuser himself

Why should a child experience such trauma at a tender age? An age when he should be exploring horizons! Do they deserve this? Is there an escape? Can he be saved from falling into this vicious circle? If yes, then how?

The escape is through early intervention.

• Schools and colleges can arrange professional counsellors.

• Close members and relatives can make time for the victim and lend a considerate ear. Listen without judging and observe their physical, emotional and behavioural signs.

• Helpline numbers and centres can be reached out to.

• Spreading awareness and breaking the stigma.

• Reporting cases on time and taking the right step.

To conclude, Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H), said, ''Whoever does not show mercy to our young ones or acknowledge the rights of our elders, is not one of us" (Musnad Ahmed) Author: Kausar Ataullah (Secretary, GIO Chennai) Date: 25th June, 2021

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