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The Road to a Lasting Peace: Leveraging the Power of Youth for Peace and Security

Is the Earth a dying legacy, in which the previous generation is leaving behind for the growing population of the youth? A world full of dying forests, melting ice caps, international and internal conflicts, oppression of minorities, ethnic cleansing and a deadly virus. It has fallen to the youth to take matters into their own hands to stand up for their right to inherit a thriving, not dying planet. This has been made possible thanks to the power of the internet which has given us a platform to form global connections and has provided us with a plethora of information.

One young person documents the injustices faced by their people on their social media and it reaches millions of people across the globe. This sparks outrage throughout the world, especially among the youth. Tired of waiting for government officials to own up and take responsibility to stand up to the oppressors, youth of today have taken to the streets demanding justice. Those in countries still suffering the grave effects of the pandemic are not letting their house arrest hold them back, raising awareness via social media which has, in a

way, become the voice of the youth.

Back in 2019, when our country was in the midst of the CAA/NRC storm, who was on the frontlines demanding justice? Where were most of these protests being held? That's right, young students in their colleges and universities. Jamia Millia Islamia, Aligarh Muslim University and Jawaharlal Nehru University just to name a few. Remember how countless students were arrested for peacefully protesting against injustices? But most importantly, remember how this did not scare young people but added more fuel to their fire? The support that was shown to these students on social media was unreal.

Growing up in the age of the internet and the innumerable resources it provides, has given rise to a future generation that is more politically and socially sensitive. It has given rise to a generation that is willing to take responsibility to make the world a better place to live in, for themselves and for those to come. When the elections come around, we see an increase in the number of young people doing their research on whose vision best matches with their ideals, registering to vote and encouraging others to do the same.

Throughout history, the youth has always been a group full of enthusiasm and a hunger for change. However, it wasn't always as easy to take a stand and believe that their actions were actually paving for something better. You don't have to be an overtly dynamic individual who goes out on the streets raising crowds behind them. All you need is the passion and zeal to make the world a better place and maybe a good internet connection. Spread awareness for the causes you support, for the causes your heart aches for, for the causes that keep you up at night. Document the changes you make in your life to support these causes and encourage your peers. You never know who you might inspire and whose life you might change. Don't underestimate your voice. Don't underestimate the power of youth.

Author: Khadija Ali (Member, GIO Chennai)

Pic. Credits: Instagram

Date: 28th May, 2021.

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