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Updated: Apr 8, 2021

Hundreds of years ago in a far off land of dust and sand where the sun was cruel, food was scarce and tribes flourished, a miraculous night journey occurred. On this journey, an Arabian Prophet was taken from the deserts of Makkah to the plains of Jerusalem, till the highest point in Heaven and back. The former part of the journey was called Al- Isra’ (the night journey) and the latter part was called Al-Mi’raj (ascension), collectively known as Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj. The majority of scholars believe that this miraculous journey took place on the 27th of Rajab but there is a difference of opinion about it.

The Prophet (SAW) travelled from the Sacred Mosque in Makkah to Bait al-Maqdis in Jerusalem, (the distance is approximately 1,483 km) riding astride Al- Buraq in the company of Jibreel (AS). After reaching Bait al-Maqdis, he led all 1,24,000 prophets in prayer. This shows us that all the prophets came to share one common message that is ‘the Oneness of Allah’. This is contrary to the belief that Prophet Muhammed (SAW) is the founder of Islam.

The ascension to Heaven began on the same night. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) met Adam (AS), Yahya Bin Zakariya (AS) and Isa Bin Maryam (AS), Yusuf (AS), Idrees (AS), Haroon (AS), Musa (AS) and Ibraheem (AS) respectively from the first to the seventh heaven.

Prophet Muhammed (SAW) was brought before Allah but could not actually look upon Allah, the Almighty. It was here that he was bestowed with two great gifts: Salah and the last two ayahs of Surah al-Baqarah. As for Salah, Allah made it obligatory for the followers of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to perform prayers 50 times a day. Upon returning, he met Musa (AS), who enquired about the command of Allah. The Prophet (SAW) informed him that his ummah had been enjoined to pray 50 times a day. Musa (AS) advised him to go back to Allah and ask Him to decrease the number as his followers aren't strong enough. At the request of the Prophet (SAW), Allah reduced the number. When Musa (AS) heard about this, he advised him to return and ask for further reduction in the number of prayers. This continued till the number of prayers was reduced to 5 times a day. Musa (AS) asked for a further reduction but this time the Prophet felt ashamed to go back. Then a voice called out saying: “I have enforced my obligation and made it light for my servants. He who prays these 5 prayers will be rewarded as if he prayed 50. What I decree cannot be changed”. As for the last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah they were handed to the Prophet (SAW) as a gift from under the Throne of Allah. These verses talk about the mercy and forgiveness of Allah. Such is Ar-Rahman (the Most Merciful), He does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.

This journey took place at a difficult time in the Prophet's life. He had lost his two strongest supporters, his dearest wife Khadija (RA) and his uncle Abu Talib. Soon after, he faced immense persecution at the hands of the people of Taif. Laylatul Mi'raj was like a spiritual upliftment for the Prophet (SAW) as well as a gift to him. Allah made him witness this miracle as He wanted to show him some parts of the Unseen in order to strengthen his faith. When the prophet narrated this incident to the people of Mecca they didn't believe him. In fact, many people left the fold of Islam because they thought he had gone mad. When Abu Bakr (RA) heard of this incident, he believed in it without any question. This showed his strong faith in the Unseen. Thus, he received the title ‘As - Siddiq’ (the Truthful one). Similarly, all the prophets were given miracles. These stories have been mentioned in the Quran and Hadith in several places. Reading about and believing in these incidents that happened tens of thousands of years ago is a way of increasing our faith in the Unseen that is Iman Bil Ghaib.


These treasures are not just meant to be kept on the high racks of our shelves but are meant to be embedded in our hearts.


* SAW - Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam (peace and blessings be upon him)

* AS - Alayhi Salam (peace be upon him)

* RA - Radhi Allahu 'anha (may Allah be pleased with her)

* RA - Radhi Allahu 'anhu (may Allah be pleased with him)

Author: Zainab Ali (President, GIO Chennai) & Hafsa Sayeedah (Associate, GIO Chennai)

Header Pic. Credits: Canva

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