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Plato said "Justice is to the soul as health is to the body".

Yes, indeed. A society void of justice will be deprived of peace and prosperity.

20th February has been declared as International Social Justice day. Let us analyze the term "Social Justice" and the state of affairs in the world today.

What is Social Justice??

Simply put, social justice = equal rights +equal opportunities + equal treatment.

Social Justice can also be described as the fair and compassionate distribution of a country's wealth.

The Quran uses the word "Adl" for justice which means to divide two things equally or to keep the balance.

And what is the current state of affairs today??

We Indians are passing through a tough phase, especially in terms of Social Justice. The rich are getting richer while the weak are being oppressed and marginalized. And religious minorities are persecuted in broad daylight with impunity.

The farmers have been protesting in New Delhi since November 26, 2020 against the new farm laws. As it is, the agricultural sector in India is in the doldrums. With the passage of these laws it will hit rock bottom, fattening the bellies of the corporates.

By inciting violence, the government is trying to intimidate the farmers who have been protesting peacefully.

Suppressing calls for justice and stifling dissent does not bode well for a country that wishes to progress.

If that is the case in India, social justice is being denied in different forms all across the world. Under the systems of capitalism, communism, socialism and fascism; class conflicts and animosity between man and man continue to plague the society. In the Muslim world too, there seems to be hardly any other problem as important and as urgent as the task of establishing social justice.

Islam is not a system of theology. It is a comprehensive way of life and it stands for a distinctive civilization and socio-politico- economic order based on practical considerations.

When the Arab society was groping in the dark, Islam came to establish Social Justice. In a mere 23 years, Islam converted a barbaric society into one that was based on welfare and equality.

How can these principles be applied to cure the ailments in today's world??

1) Equality

Social Justice is based on the foundation of equality. In Islam, no superiority, no distinction or no preeminence can be lawfully claimed except by virtue of piety. People are equal like the teeth of a comb. So all have to be given equal rights and opportunities to realize their full potential.

This concept was practically established in several ways. The most visible one being - the caliph and the slave standing shoulder to shoulder during congregational prayers.

Equal punishment should also be carried out. No room for double standards.

2) Freedom

All men are born free to pursue their dreams and goals, unrestricted by race, nationality or religion. No one can be bound by slavery, labor or other forms of captivity.

Umar (r.a) reprimanded the Governor of Egypt, when his son had struck a Coptic.

He asked "On what account have you enslaved men who were born free?"

3) Balance

Islam shuts the door on extremism and encourages orderliness. Monopoly and cut throat competition are disapproved. Justice is the essence of Islam, as it enables man to live a happy life and he also strengthens his bond with his brothers.

Islam stresses on simple living. The Prophet strove to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. He visualized a society without poverty and exploitation.

4)Social security

Islam established the system of social security in the 7th century, long before the concept was introduced in the West. Through the institution of Zakat and Bayt Ul Mal, funds were gathered. Great importance was given to the needs of the poor and destitute, orphans and widows. The state took care to meet all their needs.

Abu Bakr (r.a.) said: "The government is the guardian of those who have no guardian.”

Though it protected the weak and encouraged charity, Islam strongly discouraged begging and stressed on dignity grounded in self-sufficiency.

Due to these Islamic principles, Arabia was transformed. By the time of Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, we see that people had become so prosperous, that there was none to receive the Zakat.

Islam is a holistic religion. It not only deals with aspects of worship but also, in great detail about problems afflicting man. It gives guidance to every sphere of life.

On that note, Allah's guidance is eternal and can be adapted to modern times paving the way for a world filled with love and justice.

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