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Monthly Report - February 2021

Updated: May 21, 2021

Despite February being the shortest month of the year, it has been quite a productive month for GIO Chennai.

The second month of the year was kicked off with an Anti-Valentine's week campaign wherein a poster was circulated every day from the 7th to the 14th on our social media platforms. The aim of the campaign was to spread awareness among the youth against the pagan tradition.

GIO Chennai reached a milestone when it launched its blog on the 13th of February. Since then, 5 blog posts have been published, with many more lined up. The blog is aimed at giving the members of GIO a place to express their thoughts and views and to give the readers an insight into our ideologies and how the organisation works.

On account of the growing cases of domestic violence and abuse seen during the pandemic period, a national campaign, titled “Strong Family Strong Society”, was organised by the Women's Wing of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) on the last ten days of February. This campaign was aimed at educating people to maintain good family ties as well as raising awareness on the different problems prevalent in society today and how they can be eradicated. As part of this campaign, GIO Chennai circulated daily posters from 19th -28th of February. These posters were based on the Quran and Hadith and were all about strengthening family ties and relationships, which will in turn strengthen the society. Several competitions as well as premarital workshops were conducted online by JIH Chennai metro in which many of the members and associates of GIO participated. The various competitions were article writing, story writing, poetry, documentary, poster making and elocution competitions. An offline group discussion competition was also conducted on 21st February in which nearly 40 girls participated. The topics were “Marriage in Islam- Why, when and how?”, “Things to know before you get married” and “Family - A boon or a bane?”, whose winners were awarded with prizes as well. Concluding the session was guest judge Dr. Ramleth (Psychologist) who gave some important insights on the topics that were discussed. Based on the campaign, some areas conducted special programs and competitions in their areas which benefitted many people.

Other activities in the month of February included weekly classes in several areas which were conducted either offline or online. Special classes commenced from the 7th of February for the girls eligible to be members, wherein a book is discussed and the girls share their views and benefit from each other. News headlines were read daily by the GIO members and associates and uploaded on the GIO Chennai YouTube channel. Daily posters were also circulated on our social media platforms. Alhamdulillah.

We pray to Allah SWT to make our upcoming months even more productive and effective.


Author: Zainab Ali (President, GIO Chennai)

Pic. credits: Canva

Date: 03rd March, 2021

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