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Monthly Report- April 2021

The onset of April, started with an awareness video against the celebration of 'The April Fool's Day'. An attractive, short animated video with the core message was uploaded on all our social media platforms.

To mark the big day for the citizens of Tamil Nadu, on the 6th of April, an awareness poster on "Every Vote Matters" was circulated, followed by a dua poster on seeking good leadership.

As the holy month of Ramadan progressed, a workshop on 'Quick and Yummy Iftaar Snack' was conducted by women, who run cooking channels on YouTube, namely Sr. Zareena (The Food Spot) and Sr. Neelofer (Neelu's World) who collectively taught five delicious and quick recipes on the zoom platform. The goal behind the workshop was to comparatively spend less time in cooking and more time in worship since it's not a month of feasting.

GIO Chennai City also successfully conducted its first quarterly Tarbiyyah of the year. The theme of the Tarbiyyah was, "Need for Islamic Education to Strengthen Family Bonds". Our speaker of the day was Sr. Rakeela, JIH Chennai Metro Nazima. We also incorporated the theme, "Welcome Ramadan" with four mini speeches by our GIO members and associates.

As the month of Ramadan commenced, we uploaded weekly articles, namely "Ramadan Series' based on different topics related to Ramadan on our website. Daily Ramadan posters were circulated on topics such as: Importance of Ramadan, patience, forgiveness, taqwa and tawakkul, with Quran & Hadith as its source. Apart from the posters, short videos were made by the girls and were uploaded on our YouTube channel. These posters and videos were passed on as daily reminders, so that everyone could make the best use of the month.

To top it all up, Tafseer classes were organised for members, membership classes for aspiring associates, as well as weekly classes for members and associates was conducted in several areas of Chennai and daily news was posted everyday on our YouTube channel (True Way of Life). Alhamdulillah.

May Allah (S.W.T) accept all our deeds, efforts, actions and fasts and make the upcoming months even more productive. Aameen.

Author: Kausar Ataullah (Secretary, GIO Chennai)

Pic. Credits: Canva

Date: 21st May, 2021.

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