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Learn From Experts - A Series

Updated: May 6, 2021

Women's Department, Jamaat-e-Islami of India, conducted a ten-day campaign on the topic “Strong Family, Strong Society” from 19th to 28th February 2021, as a part of the campaign, a program titled 'Learn from Experts Series' was hosted. This was a one-hour daily program from 11am to 12pm, in which after 15 to 20 minutes of commentary on the day’s topic, a Q&A session between the audience and speaker was held. I, (Rabia Basri) was given an opportunity to coordinate this program. Where we had an anchor per day to conduct the session, starting with tilawat, followed by a brief introduction of the speaker.

Many took part in the program via Zoom and FaceBook. 19th of Feb was the inauguration of the campaign. The President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind delivered a speech on the topic, “Regulations of Marriage – Problems and Solutions”.

JIH President, Sayed Sadatullah Hussaini saab highlighted many points and gave many solutions for current day marital issues. One of which was a simple marriage where the wedding should take place without a single penny spent from the bride’s family.

On the 2nd day Sis.Uzma Naheed, President at IIWA, gave a speech on the topic “Finance Management and family budgeting”. It was a topic that was the need of the hour, as many were financially distraught after the pandemic and it served as an eye opener to the participants.

She put forth many ideas about family budgeting and mentioned following the Prophet’s methods to reach any solution and to adopt the policies of Prophet Yusuf A.S. when he planned the welfare of his people during the time of drought.

The 3rd day Prof. Hasina Hashia, Senior Professor, Jamia Millia Islamia, gave a brief speech on the topic “The Role of Muslim Personal Law Board in Reforming Muslim Society”. She explained the role and work of a Muslim personal law board in society. She explained the methodology of the board that is present to uplift the Muslim society. Along with shedding light on the importance of the role that literature plays in bringing people to right path (islah), delivered the good news that the Board has published short books and has circulated it amongst society.

4th day had the JIH ladies wing national secretary Sis. Atiya Siddiqua saheba, who delivered her speech on “Roles of wife and husband in the development of family on Islamic principles”. Her emphasis was on the purpose of creating women and men. She stated “Women are created by Allah to bring up the new generation, and provide additional qualities like a soft nature whilst men are created by Allah to be strong and face the struggles and difficulties of the outside world.”

She said that, Allah has assigned duties to both men and women, when followed they succeed, if not they shatter. Both partners need to understand their responsibility in the light of Islam and to set a good example in society.

On the 5th day, Sis. Amathur Razzaq saheba, campaign assistant, gave a brief speech on “Importance of Moral Values”. Some of the points she stated were; moral values are the basic principles on which Islam desires to build the entire structure of human life, to not worship anyone but Allah, be good to your parents, give to the near of kin his due, and to the needy (miskeen) and wayfarers (as sabeel). Do not squander your wealth wastefully. Refrain from adultery and extravagancy. Abstain from suicidal and homicidal thoughts. Do not take advantage of the poor and orphaned and cleanse your mind of being arrogant.

6th day Sis. Shaista Rafat saheba, Campaign Convener, spoke on the topic, “Threat to Family Systems”. Stating that the family system is at risk and we have to take needed precautions.

The family system, which is the mother of institutions moves in the right direction then the entire society is in the right direction. Islamic laws are replaced misled modernism. The current feminist concept about marriage is slavery and the picture media portrays is that couples are perfect only when pretty. We are becoming materialistic in nature and the only solution is to turn to Allah and implement his sayings in our daily life.

7th day, Sis. Mahnaz Ismail saheba, Madya Pradesh State secretary addressed the gathering on, “Constructive upbringing of children in a strong family”. Her statement was that, though we improve in regard to knowledge, the flip side of the coin which concerns ethical and societal values, is where we lack. Strongly vouching that just talking about an Islamic lifestyle is not enough, but needs to be put into practice at home too.

On the 8th day, Janab Ameenul Hassan Saab, Vice president, JIH spoke on, “Love and Mercy – The Base of Marital Relationship”. That the topic is a necessity for all those married and to be married. He elaborated on the 3 dimensions of love, which when combined forms the highest form of love in our life.

On the 9th day, Sis. Mutaharunnisa Omer, Islamic Scholar and Social activist addressed the topic, “Role of family development and contribution towards strong society”. Her views were; society is an integral part of globe where compassion and mercy is an important factor between spouses. And every person is responsible in either making or breaking the society. While all are running in this rat race, we are losing the essence of Islam and that the change and morality begins at home, especially between parents whose behavior will then be imprinted on the child.

10th day Dr. Raziul Islam Nadvi, Secretary Dept of Islamic society, JIH, delivered his speech on the topic, “Ideal Family System”. His highlights were; in Islam, Allah Almighty bestows children when two are married. They raise their children, adorn them with the ornaments of knowledge, train them religiously and morally, and prepare them for the world. Islam has given guidelines for the establishment of an ideal family system - if these guidelines are followed willingly, the family will be the cradle of happiness. Some of the simple rulings to follow in the household are as follows;

1) Love and Mercy

2) Give rights instead of claiming rights

3) Self-sacrifice

4) Maintaining relationships

5) Forgiveness

If these instructions from the Qur’an regarding familial life are followed, it is certain that a happy and stable family will come into existence and all its members will live together in gratitude. May Allah grant us the strength to do so. Ameen!

Author: Learn from Experts Series - Program in-Charge: Sis. Rabia Basri, GIO Incharge & Assistant Nazima, JIH Chennai Metro

Pic. Credits: JIH Chennai Metro

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