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Keeping the Momentum going- Deen and Deeds Post Ramadan

Highly immersed in deen we almost forgot the pleasures of this world. How long is this going to last? Until the month of Shawwal? Ramadan uplifts us morally and spiritually purifying our body, mind and soul. We leave no stone unturned to seek His pleasure and forgiveness. We were immersed in the sea of Ibadah for a complete month with dry tummies but struggle the rest of the eleven months to establish our deen and deeds. Though we have the desire to continue our Ibadah in the same manner, we find it hard to accomplish it. We go back to our old habits in no time. The cleansed soul again falls into the indisciplined pit. "Satan said: 'Since you have led me astray, I shall surely sit in ambush for them on Your Straight Path. Then I will come upon them from the front and from the rear, and from their right and from their left. And You will not find most of them thankful.' (Surah Al-A'raf: 16 - 17). We don't feel the same spiritual energy as we felt in Ramadan.

Doable Tahajjud!

Disciplined self!!

Controlled desires!!!

The controlled tongue, mind and soul are now set free from the steadfastness of Ramadan. We wish to continue practicing like our dedicated self in Ramadan. Indeed the blessed month is a training period. We get trained well but eventually return to our routine self. How different were we to hold ourselves to the steadfastness of Ramadan! How vividly we remember spending the whole day doing zhikr, whole night praying, reading and memorizing Quran, seeking repentance, making dua and good deeds to cleanse our soul. Our soul is cleansed and free from sin. We even feel unaccomplished in the Holy month.

So where are we lagging concerning our good deeds?

During Ramadan, parents motivate children to read the Quran and engage in Ibadah. We encourage our kith and kin to indulge in doing deeds to enrich the soul. But we no more tend to take any efforts of such kind after Ramadan leaves us. Why the massive difference? For each one, are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.... (Surah Ar'Rad: 11).

Though we have different goals, we share a common desire to continue the same Ibadah and deeds post Ramadan.

Well, the spiritual energy and tranquility is gone. But do we forget the Day of Judgement? In the darkness of our grave it is our indulgence with the Quran that that will cause our graves to get enlightened. Our body parts speak for us upon our supplications performed in the light and darkness. Our Sadaqa stands in the way of calamity. As we move further ahead we should keep up the spirit of Ramadan. We read 2-3 juzz of Quran a day and some even five. After Ramadan, let’s set a goal to recite the Quran for 10 minutes or 2 - 3 pages a day. We were regular in Salah not only in Fard but also in Nafl and Sunnah prayers. Let's submit ourselves to Allah SWT immediately as soon as we hear the Azan. We can fast on Mondays and Thursdays, the days on which our beloved Prophet Mohammed (SAW) fasted. Apart from all these our gratitude to Allah should never decrease. This blessed month is leaving us once again. Enriched with taqwa, it's time we show our gratitude to Him for it's not something to be practiced only in the month of Ramadan. We should show our gratitude to Him in every act deed. At last if our tawakkul is strong and pure nothing can be an obstacle in the path of our journey to establish our deen.

Author: R. Aafrida, GIO associate

Pic. Credits: Pinterest

Date: 19th May, 2021.

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