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Aquatic environment & Unregulated fishing

Ocean. 71 % of our planet is covered with water. Water Body is a brief-term which includes seas, oceans, rivers and much more. Each one of them is unique. It is so vast that man has managed to discover only a part of it. The small discovered part seems huge, but there is much more.

There are worlds within this one world of Aqua. Each world with its dangerous beauty. There are fishes that have their own lamp, whales that live in deep waters, dolphins that create their own art and we witness colourful colonies of fishes underneath. They coexist with each other so well, that there are regions where sharks along with other species go to clean themselves like how we go to salons, and they don't eat any of the fishes there. Shocking right? The fish which is known to be dangerous has this side as well. This is proof that no one can survive on their own. It's a chain of dependence.

Coral reefs are the largest spread ecosystem in the world. They come in wonderful colours and sizes. Home to many fishes. Yes, like the one in “Finding Nemo''.

Oceans play a very vital role in balancing the ecosystem. The seagrass absorbs about 35 % of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and stores it for years. The ocean currents regulate the rain and global weather. These oceans were thriving until humans interrupted their balance.

Humans started to tame the wild to full fill their greedy needs. Coral reefs are currently facing a dire crisis. Recent studies have revealed that 50% of the world’s coral reefs have already been destroyed, and another 40% could be lost over the next 30 years. There are sea creatures, especially ones in shallower water near the coasts which can survive only at a particular temperature. Due to the imbalance created by man, they are unable to adapt themselves to varying temperatures. Each species has a place where it migrates to but due to the extreme weather and ice caps melting they lose their way (an incident of the white whale that lost its way in 2021).

Overfishing is a major issue as the population is growing and so is the demand for food. Fish are the main source of protein for over a million people around the globe and also a means of survival. Uncontrolled and over-exploitive fishing has caused a huge imbalance in the oceanic ecosystem. We are continuously taking from the ocean not giving it time to recreate its species. The beauty and the number of species is so vast and so is the destruction. It cannot be summed up in a few words. But the solution can be. Reduce the human impact, create a balance. The governments should have a proper guideline for people who come to the oceans and proper management of fishing. All the above aren't just theoretical guidelines on paper but have been practically implemented with amazing results. This work is not restricted to just the government or large organizations alone. Each one of us is responsible.

What can I do as an individual?

  • -Educate yourself.

  • -Spread awareness.

  • -When you go to the beach don’t pollute them.

These are just a few.

Now I ask my fellow readers to reflect upon what you have read and gain more information. Let us strive to save the only Planet which sustains life.

Remember nature doesn't need us but we need it, history stands as a testimony for this.

The ocean’s power of regeneration is remarkable - if we just offer it the chance - Sir David Attenborough.

Author: Hafsah Sayeedah, Associate, GIO Chennai

Picture Credits: Pinterest, WWF


Documentaries of David Attenborough.

Date: 11th June, 2021

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