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Pioneer of the Indian Islamic Movement - Professor Siddique Hassan

The former All India Vice President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind and the former Ameer of Kerala, who played multiple, irreplaceable roles as a writer, Islamic scholar, orator, movement leader and social activist, Professor Siddique Hassan left this world at 76. He was born to an agricultural family on 5th May 1945 in Eriyadu, Kodungallur, Thrissur district of Kerala with nine siblings. His parents are Abdullah Moulavi and Khadija. He is survived by his wife V.K Zubaitha and their children Fazlurrahman, Sabira, Sharabuddin and Anisurrahman.

After completing primary education at Eriyadu Kerala Varma School, he went to pursue Post Graduation in Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College and later Afzalul Ulama in Islamia College in Santhapuram. He pursued a Postgraduate degree at the University of Kerala. After completing teacher training from Government Teacher Training School, Kozhikode he worked as a teacher in a government school in his hometown and later as a professor in government colleges in Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Koyilandy, Kondancheri and Kasaragod. As a multilingual scholar, writer and orator he translated books from Arabic to Malayalam. Some of them are “Islam - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, “Islam the Misunderstood Religion” and “Islamic Politics”. He has also authored “The Story of the Survival of Indian Muslims” and “The Stories of Prophets”.

He was elected as a member of Kerala state Advisory Council after joining Jamaat-e-Islami Hind in 1969 as a member. He served the Central House of Representatives and Advisory Board as a member. He was the President of Kerala from 1990 to 2005. At the request of Dr Abdul Haq Ansari, who was the Ameer of Jama’ate Islami Hind in 2005, he served as the All India Secretary for Public Service from 2005 to 2007 and then as the All India Vice President until 2011. He was the first Secretary and Chairman of the Ideal Publication Trust, a publishing house of Madhyamam, and Co-editor and Editor-in-chief of Prabodhanam Weekly, and Assistant Editor of Islam Darshanam, published by the Kerala Institute of Linguistics. He was also the Director of Vision 2016, Human Development Trust (HWF) in New Delhi, Chairman of Alternative Investment and Credit Limited (AICL) and Chairman of Baithuzzakath. He served as the General Secretary of Association for Protection of Civil Rights, Society for Bright Future, Medical Services Society and Sahulat Microfinance Society.

Professor Siddique Hassan truly lived to the word Ameer and was called so not only by the members of the Jamaat but by the people of Kerala from different walks of life. Every person he knew talks of his various skills and abilities. I always remind my Welfare Party activists that, when we die, people who are not bound to us by blood should shed a tear and that marks the success of our journey. The Almighty had blessed him with compassion for the poor. While in college, he used his lunch money to help beggars and went to bed hungry very often. He was concerned more about social welfare than about himself which gave rise to compassion towards the oppressed beyond racial thinking. He was on the field when Pakistan and Jammu and Kashmir were hit by natural calamities.

To focus on the North Indian people, Vision 2016 was framed. Community marriages came into limelight only after the arrival of Professor Siddique Hassan. Madhyamam reporter Rashidudeen recalls one such community wedding that was organised by Professor Siddique Hassan in which hundreds of poor and orphan Muslim and non-Muslim women were married, when they could only dream of it. He performed kanyadanam, a very important ritual where the bride's father gives his daughter in marriage to the groom after which the bride should touch the feet of her father to seek blessings. When asked to bless them in such a way he politely refused and made them understand it wasn’t right to touch the feet of fellow human beings. The girls began to cry thinking they would not get his blessings. Rashidudeen’s team approached him and explained how they valued the custom. He then reluctantly blessed them ritually.

The key to his success was his piety. He never missed Tahajjud to an extent that even after being advised by Doctors to sleep tight through the night on account of eye surgery he never missed it. His colleagues say that he would plead with Allah, shed tears and speak sincerely to him that he lived his life as a simple man at his best.

Once he decided to do something he constantly worked towards it until it was complete. It is not known whether “impossible can't be in my dictionary” from Napoleon's history is true or not but the words echoed in his activities. He made many of the Jamaat’s Central State shura ideas possible which were tough to implement. Media one, Vision 2016 and Ideal Relief Wing are examples of this.

He was courageous and an embodiment of surrender and worship. When the riots of Maradu in Kerala escalated, it came to a point that the Hindus of the area expelled all Muslims and riots spread all over Kerala. Then Minister and leader of Muslim League Kunjalikutty also was not allowed when he accompanied the then Chief Minister A.K Antony. Sensing the viciousness of the situation Professor Siddique Hassan rushed to the spot with his colleagues, even when the police warned him that he had to go at the risk of his life. When his colleagues also expressed their concern he said “Let’s go. Allah will be with us” A.K Antony still remembers with gratitude the way he changed the Maradu environment by speaking to them and making them understand.

Upon witnessing the plight of people during natural disasters he felt the need to form a team of volunteers trained under the Jamaat. The IRW was formed in his heart and it is in full swing across the nation today. He trained them personally during the initial days of its formation, camping and being one of them.

When zakat is related to social order development, unfortunately it does not reach the deserving ones that are collected by the organisations. Professor Siddique Hassan paved to form Baithuzzakath that continues to contribute immensely to social welfare. It served 766 new houses, 2752 reconstruction, 209 drinking water projects, and support to 3459 patients and assistance to start business to 1584 people, debt relief to 1632 persons, educational assistance to 2237 students, 1780 rations and pensions.

He lived as a volunteer among volunteers without leading a life that is different from the masses. He never opted for a separate place or food at the all India Headquarters or at Kerala. An assistant of his in Kerala remembers telling him not to create new habits when he stood up offering his seat while dining at the common canteen. His diet was simple and preferred only canteen food. When asked he would say that food was like a feast to many locals.

Simplicity was his inseparable identity. His Secretary Abdul Hakkim said he would ask his companions and driver to occupy the bed and preferred sleeping on the floor on mats. His leadership was a combination of braveness and mercy. He was well aware about his colleagues. Getting work done from them wasn't his thing. He was also concerned in improving their personal welfare. He once travelled to North Kerala to solve an issue of a woman colleague's family leaving at 12 p.m. They missed the train and travelled in the bus, standing tall the way. He didn't preach to train the members but believed training them while travelling at their pace along with them making it practically successful. A member from IRW remembered that when they were out on missions Professor Siddique Hassan would make arrangements to meet the needs of their families. He was equally concerned about the future of the member’s children.

He was quite successful in making the youth work along with the Jamaat. The number of people retiring from SIO and joining the Jamaat is 60% in All India while in Kerala it is more than 80%. Current Kerala State Ameer M.I. Abdul Aziz said. “T Arif Ali and I retired from the SIO and he appointed us as State Vice Presidents. It was a big surprise for us. He made this decision in the presence of senior leaders and experienced scholars of the day. There is a great lesson for today's leaders to learn from him”. Many opposed the idea of forming the Solidarity Youth Movement but Professor Siddique Hassan went ahead stating that it was up to the youths to design their own way of working.

He was successful in bringing up brotherhood among the members. He mentioned that was his record in fifteen years. He set an example for the same. Central Advisory Council member Moulavi T.K Abdullah said. “When Siddique Hassan was the Ameer of Kerala, there were many disagreements in Shura. Serious debates will develop. At such times he would come from home with a smile. Everything will be forgotten once you see that smiling face. This is unique to Siddique Hassan”.

He wished the society also to be active while one thinks that the Jamaat should handle everything as its own responsibility. As a result the Centre for Information and Guidance India, an educational mentorship was formed.

Vision 2016 uplifted the North Indians which was the dream project of a social leader after witnessing the plight of people waiting for one meal in the streets of Delhi Jamia Masjid thus paving a new path in the North Indian soil for the organisation that continues to date.

He has received numerous awards in recognition of his work including the Islam Online Star Award (2010), the Imam Haddad Excellence Award (2015), and the first award of Ibrahim Sulaiman Sait Company. Crowning all these, is that the University of Science and Technology in the North Eastern state of Meghalaya block was named after him. Professor Siddique Hassan has left a good generation behind him. Lakhs of people still remember him in their prayers. Being an influencing leader, he lived and died as a Sufi without even thinking about his comforts, adding nothing to himself despite the fact that there were many rich people who are bound by his word and are ready to give crores. He was the prominent leader for the people of Kerala. I haven't seen a leader who was so truly loved by his people. Words and papers are beyond limits to pen about him. May Allah unite him and us in Paradise. Aameen.

Author: K.S Abdur Rahman

Executive committee member

Welfare party of India- TN

Former state secretary SIO & WPI

Translated by

Aafrida Sulaigha Beevi

Applicant Member

GIO Chennai

Picture credits: SIO

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