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Book Review 1

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

Book: If I Should Speak

Author: Umm Zakiyyah

Friendship and Religion are both built on trust. One is always cautious and sensitive of bringing the topic of one’s belief in friendship.

If I Should Speak is one such novel written by Umm Zakiyyah with its setting in a University in the U.S, published by Good Tree Press.

Tamika, the main character of this novel, a Christian sophomore in college who dreams of becoming a famous singer. After a fight with her roommate, she is forced to move out of her room and ends up living with two Muslims, one who is religious – Aamina, while the other is becoming discontented with her religion – Durrah.

Tamika, as a student, has a research assignment and presentation to submit on religion. Back in her room, she is captivated by the acts performed by her roommates, their form of greeting, prayers, garments and much more, hence concluding her to present her research on the religion – Islam

As the novel proceeds, Aamina, being an expert in the field, guides her with sources of books and pamphlets, and clarifies her confused mind.

The author here, is to be praised for her balance. She sensitively portrays her point through her characters in the novel, leaving the reader and Tamika to ponder. The author beautifully presents concepts like The Purpose of Life and Creation, myths of Hijab, singing in public, men’s superiority over women and many more. The book brings out the similarities between Islam and Christianity and replicates the concepts on the trinity of Jesus, purpose of prophets before and after him and the Oneness of God.

Umm Zakiyyah precisely justifies Islam with Christianity. While reading the novel one gains knowledge about the true religion along with its justification from not only the Quran but also the Bible.

The novel points out that, one must not follow anything blindly and must be pleased and justified with their faith and she finally the brings out the uncertainty of death.

Despite religion being a sensitive topic, the author attractively captures the minds and hearts of readers without hurting their sentiments.

This novel is recommended to all those who have a thirst for truth, who want to learn the art of balancing sensitive subjects and who wishes to understand the uncertainty of life.

“What is the life of this world but amusement and play? But verily the Home in the Hereafter – that is Life indeed, if they but knew.” ~ Qur’an – Al Ankaboot (The Spider) [29:64]

Author: Kausar Ataullah (Secretary, GIO Chennai)

Pic. Credits: Google

Date: 28th February, 2021.

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Nazeer Ataullah
Nazeer Ataullah
07 avr. 2021

Nice review.

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